Sigmoidoscopy is a procedure in which a doctor looks in your large intestine. A length of flexible tube connected to a fiberoptic camera is used. A light is transmitted through the scope to the tip by a bundle of light fibers. The doctor uses this light to look at your intestine through an eyepiece or video screen.
- Your doctor may do this very safe procedure for several reasons.
- Sigmoidoscopy is the best way to diagnose colon cancer the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States.
- This procedure may also be used to help investigate problems such as bleeding, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
How to Prepare for a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy ?
To prepare for a flexible sigmoidoscopy, one or more enemas are performed about 2 hours before the procedure to remove all solids from the sigmoid colon. An enema is performed by flushing water, laxative, or sometimes a mild soap solution into the anus using a special wash bottle.
In some cases, the entire gastrointestinal tract must be emptied by following a clear liquid diet for 1 to 3 days before the procedure similar to the preparation for colonoscopy. Patients should not drink beverages containing red or purple dye. Acceptable liquids include
- fat-free bouillon or broth
- strained fruit juice
- water
- plain coffee
- plain tea
- sports drinks, such as Gatorade
- gelatin